Get your key below.

Sk8r uses key to whitelist.

Thanks for your support to sk8r.

Incase you wonder why your keys does not work.

1. You have not updated sk8r to the newest version. Please do settings -> download latest version.

(Even if you first downloaded sk8r, you should do it, it will update your sk8r clubdark.dll and make sure that you have the newest keys)

2. We prefer using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. Some other browsers may not generate key correctly.

3. You might be getting the old keys. Refresh or try to clear your browser's cache. Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete to clear your browser cache (Cached image and files).

4. You might be getting the wrong keys. Please just use the copy button and paste it into the program.

Thanks for your support to sk8r.
Hate keys? Buy Sk8r Now or wait for no key week. How to buy sk8r?